Choose Renewable Sign-up Form

To sign up for Choose Renewable, simply fill out the form below. There is no special equipment to install and no change to the way you receive or use energy. You can start or stop your participation at any time, and you can use as many blocks of renewable energy as you like.

Or, if you prefer you can download the sign-up form and return in the mail with your next bill payment.

Find Out How Many Blocks You Need

Use our calculator below to see how many blocks per month you need based on your estimate annual energy usage. Don't know your energy usage? Login to MyAccount to get your up-to-date usage.

Contact Information

Number of Blocks You Wish to Order

If ordering more than 4 blocks, enter the total number of renewable energy blocks (at $2.00 each per month) you wish to order. Each block is equal to 300 kWh. Current Choose Renewable participants, enter total blocks you wish to order. If purchasing 20 or more blocks, the cost will be $1.00 per 300 kWh block.