Efficiency Improvement Incentives

Woman in a warehouse looking up inventory on laptopThe Efficiency Improvement Incentive program is designed to help business customers enhance the energy efficiency of their facilities while improving their bottom line in the process.

When planning efficiency improvement projects in your facility, we can help determine the potential cost savings and payback timelines, and even assist in evaluating new equipment options. If the project will reduce energy consumption and power demand during our peak periods, you may be eligible for a cash incentive.

Many types of efficiency improvement projects are eligible. Eligible measures include, but are not limited to:

  • Lighting
  • HVAC
  • Motors and drives
  • Compressed air systems
  • Electric chillers
  • Food service measures
  • Agricultural process equipment
  • Specialty measures (e.g., anti-condensate heater controls, LED refrigerated case lighting, guest room energy management controls, PC network management, vending machine control)
  • Energy efficiency studies

Focus on Energy also offers financial incentives to eligible business customers for installing qualifying energy efficiency measures. These measures include a variety of technologies including energy efficient lighting, motors, compressed air, and HVAC equipment.

Sun Prairie Utilities will match the Focus on Energy “electric savings” incentive up to 50% of project costs.  The match incentive, plus any other Federal or State incentives, shall not exceed 50% of the total installed costs.  The incentives are awarded on a first come, first served basis until the annual incentive budget is exhausted. To qualify for incentives, businesses should get pre-approved prior to implementing any efficiency improvements. Minimum efficiency requirements and other terms and conditions apply. For more information and complete details, contact Clint Cry at (608) 837-5500.