Request to Discontinue Service

If you are moving out of our service area and are closing your account with Sun Prairie Utilities, please submit the form below or call us at (608) 837-5500, Monday through Thursday, 7:00 am - 4:30 pm, Friday 7:00 am-11:00 am.

Requests submitted after 11:00 a.m. Fridays will be processed the next business day and scheduled for the following second business day. 

When you submit the form, we will schedule a special meter reading on the date you end service to end your billing and to start billing to the next tenants/owners who will be living at that location. We will send a final bill to your forwarding address.

We are available for connects and disconnects Monday through Friday. We do require at least one business day's notice for special meter readings.

Customer Information

The phone number where you can best be reached if we have questions.

Forwarding Address