Reliable Public Power Provider
RP3 recognizes public power utilities that demonstrate proficiency in four key disciplnes: reliability, safety, training, and system improvement. Criteria within each category are based on sound business practices and represent a utility-wide commitment to safe and reliable delivery of electricity. Sun Prairie Utilities received the Diamond designation, scoring above 98% for their accomplishments in the four key discipline areas.
The designation lasts from May 2024 through April 2027. More information and a full list of designees, recognized in three categories, is available at the APPA web site.
Digger's Hotline
Avoid a power outage or accident by calling to request a locate of your underground facilities before you dig.
Users of Diggers Hotline now have a new option for contacting Wisconsin's one-call center. Digger's Hotline 811 is designed to be an "easy to remember three digit number" for anyone who plans on doing any excavating work.
Many of those who dig are aware of 'Call Before You Dig' services, but often make risky assumptions about where utility lines are buried or when they should call. In fact, a recent national survey showed that only 33% of homeowner do-it-yourselfers called to have their lines marked before starting digging projects.
Simple digging jobs can damage utility lines, which can disrupt service to an entire neighborhood, harm diggers, and potentially result in fines and repair costs. 811 will let diggers know what’s below when they call before they dig. Many of the state's telephone providers have already configured their systems to properly route 811 calls to Diggers Hotline.
Wisconsin law requires three business days to complete your request. And best of all, there is no cost to you!
Safety For Your Home
Homes today contain many electrical devices. With advances in technology, people are more and more dependent on electronics and electricity. From appliances to computers, entertainment to medical equipment, electronic devices are some of the more costly items in our homes to purchase or replace.
Sun Prairie Utilities is proud of the safety and reliability of our electric distribution system, but no electricity provider can guarantee zero outages 100 percent of the time. We recommend all customers protect their expensive and sensitive electronics with surge protection. An electric surge can happen with a lightning strike or when electric service is re-established after an outage.
Severe weather safety planning is critical for personal safety for your self and your loved ones. Review our Storm Safety Tips and create your own safety plan.
Energy & Safety Education
As part of our ongoing educational efforts, Sun Prairie Utilities provides educational materials and presentations to schools, service groups and seniors. We also provide teaching units, videos, publications and workshops to interested groups all year long.
For more information contact Clint Cry at (608) 837-5500.